
Why Should You Consider Quora Ads for Your Company?

When people are curious they ask, and when their questions are answered with perfection, they engage. One of the best ways to establish your brand’s identity is by addressing people’s doubts and problems. This way you can build your professional brand as an authority in your niche or industry.

Even if you’re not an expert in the subject area, the chances that you know more and much better than the one in doubt is very high. But how and where would people ask? How and where would you (as an industry expert) answer? Quora is a great place to start with. Quora, as a platform for a question and answer network, allows you to interact with the audience and help them with their problems through answering questions. Let’s learn more about Quora, from designing the ideal profile to providing the finest answers.

What is Quora?

Quora is a social media platform where people go to find information. It is specifically designed for the audience to ask questions and get their doubts resolved. It was started in 2009 and currently has millions of users and hundreds of thousands of queries ranging from “what is the most embarrassing moment of your life?” to “how to learn digital marketing?.” And the best part is quora actually has answers to all these questions.

Whether it’s a mathematical problem or a non-existential doubt, just ask and get your way through experts. Users create, modify, and organize all of the content on the site, which means it is created, edited, and organized by the people who use it, i.e. the users. Whether you want to build your thought leadership presence, affirm your expertise in your niche, or just promote brand awareness, Quora is the best space for you.

Why should you use quora ads for marketing?

To stay on top of potential consumers, you may need to embrace various aspects of your marketing, to enhance visibility and conversions. You also can’t assume that your target market simply uses Google or Facebook. That’s where Quora Ads enter the picture. People generally assume that their target audience does not use quora. Yet they ask. No matter your industry type or your niche, you can easily locate your audience on Quora.

A question and answer site may not appear to be the most intriguing addition to your social media marketing plan. Quora, on the other hand, excels at building organic awareness, enhancing your brand image, and even assisting you in learning more about your audience.

The platform provides these additional features to support your purpose of marketing:

Search Visibility – As Quora questions can be searched easily on Google, your content is the best source to drive traffic to your website or social media page, etc.

More traffic – Answer people’s questions by educating them about how your product or service works and can solve their problems.

Creates brand potential – Among the top speakers and brands on Quora, join the community to promote your brand and get it to the top.

Exceptional reach – Quora has over 300 million monthly visitors. You can share your answers and create your brand impression.

Your audience perspective – People put their problems on quora, this is a great way to identify the market problems and create an opportunity through it.

What makes Quora stand out from other platforms?

Quora is very similar to other social media platforms; however, it is not the same and was never intended to be one. The only way to communicate is through questions and answers. You can do any of these things: ask or answer questions. If you want to generate leads, you must play the position of expert and answer more queries.

The biggest differentiating characteristic of Quora is that it offers a blue mark to the verified experts who deliver accurate information and verified expertise. Hence, the audience is delivered with good and informative answers. Unlike other social networking platforms, you can actually rank higher if your answer adds value.

Another essential aspect is the Ask to Answer feature, where users can ask questions from any other Quora user of their choice to receive their desired answer immediately.

How does Paid Advertising work on Quora: Quora Ads?

Since its discovery in 2009, Quora has become one of the biggest and most referred to Question and Answer platforms that use a community contributors system to invite and entertain millions of new, curious, and inquisitive users to receive and share their insights.

This has led to the development of a marketing option through Quora Ads, in the terms of paid advertisement. As a result, marketers and worldwide firms may utilize this website to enhance traffic to their websites, improve quality lead generation, and increase sales conversions, all of which can assist boost their industry authority by increasing social impression.

The advertising concept on Quora known was introduced in 2017 as Quora Ads, as a system to assist brands and marketers in establishing online reputation by providing insightful comments and content that is engaging and informative for their target market. With this, Quora ads provide the following to its users:

Wide target market

Quora Ads offers an option for a marketer to choose their target audience for the advertisement. After an ad has run for a while, you may use the Quora pixel to obtain audience retargeting.

Topic Targeting

In terms of ad copy and relevancy, advertisers run ads on topics that are relevant to their business. As a result, make use of both positive and negative keywords to refine the questions and answers on which their ad will appear.

Keyword Targeting

Quora Ads offers – ‘broad match’ and ‘phrase match’ options to give highly competitive visibility. In this way, negative keywords or phrases are eliminated and ads only appear to the targeted keywords.

Question Targeting

This allows advertisers to target specific discussion questions that are relevant to their business and subject topic.

Website Retargeting

This feature allows businesses and advertisers to retarget audiences that have previously visited or viewed the previous quora Ads, or checked out any question related to the campaign.

List Match Audience

Email addresses are uploaded through Quora pixel, which is then matched against data from the Quora audience to create a new audience for ad targeting and exclusions.

How to Get Started with Quora?

Using quora is not rocket science. Follow through to learn about quora and how to get started on the platform:

Step 1 – Sign up for Quora

You can sign-up easily on quora with your mail ID or by signing up through your Twitter or Facebook account.

Step 2 – Create your Quora Profile

To edit your profile, click on your profile picture to update it. Click on your name and through a drop-down menu add a headline, change your name or profile picture, edit topics, write a description, etc. You can even describe your experience by highlighting your topics of interest. Don’t forget to add links to your main website or main social media page, this will drive traffic to the main page where you really want to drive attention.

Step 3 – Follow Industry related topics

Find topics related to your profile or the industry that you are involved in or any other topic of your interest. Find the topic and follow it for the latest updates on the topic.

Step 4 – Write and upload questions and Answers

Now that you have your own Quora profile, you’re now ready to ask and answer. Asking questions is a great and potential way to learn about your audience or the target market. Express your gratitude for the responses to your questions.

Also, when you’re ready to represent your expertise, get started on Quora by answering other people’s questions. You also have an option to share your answer on Twitter or Facebook. Remember, this is a wonderful chance to market or promote your content, products, or services, but only if they’re relevant to your response. Make sure your responses are informative and avoid appearing spammy.


To conclude the topic, Quora Ads is a self-service platform that allows users to set up an ad account and start displaying ads on the site. Any advertiser can put advertisements as long as they want (depending on the Quora policy). Quora Ads is a really great platform to target audiences, address their problems, look into their needs and provide solutions. And subsequently, create a brand identity in the process. Maybe you don’t know what to ask, but now you know where to start.